Your Visit to Eisenstadt

Your Visit to Eisenstadt


The Schlossquartier of Esterházy Palace caters for all palates: From snacks and coffee & cake in the Café Maskaron to a great lunch on the summer terrace of the Henrici restaurant to stylish wine tasting in the Selektion Burgenland Vinothek, the culinary offer provided plays the second fiddle to none.

Henrici Restaurant

Whether you long for Esterhazy classics or a fresh, skillful take on the specialties of the Pannonian region combined with the finest wines, the gourmet restaurant Henrici offers true culinary delights. Located in the historic stables designed by neoclassical architect Benedikt Henrici, this gourmet restaurant’s exclusive atmosphere turns high-end cuisine into a unique experience.

Selektion Vinothek Burgenland

Magnificent reds, expressive whites and noble, first-class sweet wines: The Burgenland offers a wealth of fine wines like no other region in Austria. At Selektion Vinothek Burgenland you can enjoy the whole exciting range of Burgenland wines: either in the stylishly designed wine bar or by sampling the rich offer on sale in the wine shop.


Hotel Galántha

Höchste Ansprüche an Design und Service verbunden mit Kultur und pannonischem Lebensgefühl: Das Hotel Galántha in Eisenstadt versteht sich als Eingangstor zur pannonischen Welt, als Basis für die Entdeckung einer Region voll Sonne, Freude, Wein und Genuss. Kultur und Geschichte, Natur, Musik und Verbundenheit fließen in und um das Hotel ineinander. Ausgestattet auf höchstem Niveau, erfahren Sie die herzliche Gastfreundschaft des Burgenlandes.

The Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt is one of Austria’s most beautiful baroque castles. It provides an impressive insight into the historical glamour of life at the Esterházy princes’ court. For centuries, the castle has also been a hub for cultural events and has served as the picturesque setting for festivals and social events.

Der Haydn Hall

Once the large ballroom of the palace the baroque Haydn Hall is certainly the showpiece of Esterházy Palace. The unique acoustics and atmosphere of the hall were inspired by the composer Joseph Haydn, who created most of his extraordinary oeuvre here in his four decades in service of the Esterházy princes. Joseph Haydn, nicknamed both “inventor of the string quartet” and “virtuoso of the ensemble”, wrote masses, operas, symphonies as well as chamber music for the noble family. For instance, his legendary Kaiserquartett was premiered in Eisenstadt in 1797.

To this day the Haydn Hall, named after the composer, with its baroque frescoes and wall paintings counts among the world’s most beautiful and best concert halls. The interplay of musical highlights, splendid furnishings and impressive architecture inspires national and international musicians and lured audiences from all over the world to Eisenstadt. With its superb acoustics the Haydn Hall hosts more than 100 concerts a year.


The orangery – located in the park surrounding the Esterházy Palace in Eisenstadt - is a picturesque location for events with style and distinction. The baroque Esterházy Palace and the spacious park around the orangery make a truly magical backdrop for extraordinary events.

The glass construction of the historic greenhouses conveys elegance, exudes lightness and makes the building to one of most important of its kind. While the indoor space is generous, the front of the can also be utilised in suitable weather conditions.

On September 18th and 19th 2021, the Pan O´Gusto Festival will take place in the orangery.

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